April 15 COVID-19 Update

As we continue to adjust to the impacts of COVID-19 in Southern California, we want to keep you informed about COVID-19 updates that may affect you.
The Southern California counties of Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles have all recently mandated that all residents begin wearing a face covering whenever leaving their homes. Several municipalities are also making mask wearing outside of your home mandatory. For this reason, any patient that comes into our clinics in these counties or municipalities with a mandatory mask order must be wearing a mask. This is to ensure your safety as well as that of our team members and other patients.
Please note that during this situation, any patient we see will be screened prior to their appointment and asked the following:
Are you experiencing a cough, fever, or shortness of breath recently?
Have you or anyone you’re close to been exposed to the coronavirus that you know of?
Have you or anyone you’re close to been tested for the coronavirus?
If you answer YES to any of the above questions we will work with you to reschedule the appointment to a later date.
In RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO, and LA COUNTIES we are also asking a fourth question:
Do you have a mask or other face covering such as a scarf or bandana that you will be wearing to your appointment?
If you live in RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO, and LA COUNTIES and answer NO to the above face mask question we will need to reschedule your appointment to a later date. Please note as additional counties and/or municipalities add the mandatory mask requirement we will adjust our policy to include them accordingly.
Please be advised that if you are in other counties that have not yet mandated mask use when leaving home, we will still be wearing masks and also request you wear a mask or face covering to your appointment. We are working hard to ensure the safety of everyone, including our team members and patients.
We know this is a challenging time for all of us, but we appreciate you doing your part to help keep us all safe as we get through this together. We are here for you.